
New Cloud Streaming Service

  • 5th June 2024
  We are proud to launch our NEW TV Cloud Service with over 10,000 HD Channels, over 15,000 Movies, over 2000 TV Series and 99 Catch Up Channels. With this system we have 66 Canadian Local channels across Canada including CTV Kitchener, CBC Toronto, CTV2 London, CTV Toronto just to name a few. We have taken the time to figure out the best ...
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Important Company News

  • 5th June 2024
We are making some great changes going further, as most know this has been a family ran company that is registered as a Sole Proprietorship.  We have grown so fast with all our businesses.  We are now moving all companies owned by the family to run under a Corporate Umbrella, which will be named 15861136 Canada Ltd.  This does not ...
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